Friday, May 16, 2014

May 13, 2014

Little Manatee River State Park

Wimauma, FL

I had the day off. Monte took the tractor down to the equestrian sites intending on grading the final of four sites. But when he got down to the campground he discovered someone was camped on the site.

Not to have made a wasted trip, Monte drove the tractor down to the canoe launch. The previous day we had noticed there were some deep ruts in the road.
I took advantage of the time off to do some laundry.

When Monte returned to the garage he unhitched the grader/plow so he could attach the bush-hog. 
 His goal was to begin cutting the grass on the trails.
But he discovered the blades were extremely dull. 
  He spent a lot of time trying to take off the blades. 
 The pins holding the blades in place were rusted solid. 

He was able to get one of the pins off but called it quits for the day at 5PM after spraying the remaining pin with penetrating oil.

His hope was that by morning the penetrating oil would have loosened up the pin enough for it to be pounded out for removal.

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