Monday, July 29, 2013

July 27 & 28, 2013
Humbug Mountain State Park, OR
Our program on Saturday was on dragonflies.  We had a large crowd including a father of two girls who really enjoyed doing the craft with his kids.  It is so rewarding when we see that people like our presentation.  We were very lazy the rest of the day.
So far, Sunday has been the day with the lowest attendance and this Sunday was no exception.  We had one mother and her 10 year-old daughter and one 11 year old boy.  We had done this program only once before and it was boring.  Greg, our ranger, made suggestions on how to perk it up and it was great.  We got to the JR Ranger site early and “hid” pictures of birds in the shrubs.  When our three attendees arrived, Monte instructed them on the proper handling of binoculars.  They were then instructed to search for the “birds”.    We only had four binoculars so having only three in attendance worked out great as nobody had to share their binoculars. 
We finished the programs by making hummingbird feeders out of solo cups. 
I was lazy the rest of the day while Monte had a burst of steam and did some work on the roof of the rig.  Prior to buying our rig someone had used the wrong caulking on top of the rear cap that connects to the roof so Monte carefully removed it and replaced it with Dicor self-leveling sealant. 

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