Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 3, 2013
Englewood, FL
Most of our day was spent doing a lot of running around taking care of boring chores at places like Walmart, Home Depot, and Dollar Tree.
We did stop in for a short visit at my brother and sister-in-laws’ house, only a mile and a half from where we are wintering, to pick up a picnic table they are loaning us. 
This pair of Sandhill Cranes came to visit. 
My brother shook the birdfeeder above where they were standing and released some seeds that the birds feasted on.
Back home, Monte went up on the roof to do something to our WiFi Ranger. I helped save him going up and down the ladder by raising and lowering the antenna as needed. 
Our cat, Anne, is such a character. 
When Monte picks her up, she likes to nestle on his shoulder and appears not to have any fear of falling as he walks around.

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