Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 9, 2013
Englewood, FL
After marathon days of traveling we did in October and November it is nice to stay put in one spot for a while-BUT having the rig in a stationary place usually also means we become stationary. 
We have been in Englewood almost two weeks and between visiting with family and taking care of chores have not ventured very far. 
I hope to get back into more exploring soon. 
Our little friend is still hanging around.
Today, I took power walk around the RV Park followed by an hour of vigorous swimming in the pool.
In preparation for defrosting our freezer I stopped buying groceries that required freezing.  It has taken us two months to empty out what we already had in the freezer.  I was able to consolidate the last few items from the two sides into one compartment and with the help of a little warm air from my hair dryer got the last bit of frost out.

Tomorrow I will transfer the items from the other freezer compartment to the newly defrosted compartment so that I can defrost that side as well.

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