Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 11, 2014
Englewood, FL
I made us a bacon, egg and cheese on a bagel for brunch so Monte did the dishes. 

A short time after he went outside to do some chores, he called for me to come out with the camera.  This peanut was sitting on our rear ladder.  The squirrel who thought it would be a good place to hide it is going to be disappointed when we leave in a couple of weeks.

Monte went up on the roof to blow off the considerable amount of leaves that have gathered in the last couple of weeks. 
When he started up the blower, Annie ran into the bedroom and jumped in one of her favorite hidey holes between the pillow shams.

After blowing off the patio,
Monte washed the vent covers.
In the late afternoon, we let Annie out.  She stayed on the steps for the longest time-first looking one way
 and then the other before venturing out. 
She sat on Monte’s lap for a couple of minutes
 but something must have spooked her because she ran back to the stairs begging to be let back in. 

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