Friday, July 5, 2013

July 3, 2013 Humbug Mountain State Park

Our first JR Ranger program was a success!
We picked up our cart at the ranger station and drove around the loops inviting all the kids we saw to the program.
Ten kids showed up (from past attendance sheets we noted that the average attendance is around 5) and five parents stayed to participate.
As soon as the kids sat down I gave them a butterfly coloring page and some markers and asked them write their name on the page.  Monte did most of the presentation on Beautiful Butterflies while I tried to keep two boys from marking each other up.
We ended up the program by making our own butterflies with clothespins, coffee filter for wing, pipe cleaners and beads.
When we returned the cart and butterfly kit to the storage area, we picked up the kit for tomorrow to make sure it was complete and practice our presentation.
We had a very relaxing afternoon.  From 5pm to 8pm we had firewood duty.  We only sold 2 bundles. 
There is a nest right outside our bedroom window--cute isn't she!

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