Monday, July 15, 2013

July 14, 2013
Humbug Mountain State Park, OR
All of the programs we have done so far came from kits that were available in the JR Ranger shed.  Some we presented using the program guide but some we modified.  Today was the first day we were going to present a program that we created.   
The program is on knot tying. 
Monte showed me the knots he wanted to teach and I practiced and practiced so I would be able to help the kids.  We went around the campground inviting all the kids we saw.
Then we went to the JR Ranger site and set up.  Because we have been having such large groups show up and we only had 17 ropes with us I was concerned we wouldn’t have enough rope for everyone.
I tied the ropes on the post in preparation.  Got all the materials set up on the tables. 
And then we waited. 
And waited.
And waited.  No one showed up! 
I have to admit I was a little disappointed.  We found out later that traditionally Sunday had the least attendance of programs because people are usually busy packing up to leave-that made me feel a little better.
One of camp hosts left early in the morning to go fishing and came back with three large rainbow trout.
I spent the rest of the day being a couch potato while Monte found a few things to do outside including servicing our bikes.

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