Friday, January 24, 2014

 January 23, 2014
Beer, beer and more beer
Englewood, Fl.
We were invited to my parent’s house for dinner.  On the way there we stopped off at Dollar General to pick up a few cases of beer (on sale) for my mom and dad.

We also picked up a few items at Sam’s Club.  When we got back to the car I wondered how we were going to fit everything as we already had two laundry baskets of dirty wash in the back seat, but I shouldn’t have worried because Monte is really good at packing. 
Ah, the essentials-Mountain Dew
 and toilet paper. 
After a delicious dinner of pork stew and buttered noodles, Monte helped Dad with some computer issues he was having while I spent time with Mom.  I sure am going to miss these little impromptu get-togethers when we leave.

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