Monday, December 31, 2012

December 30, 2012

Desert Sky

After doing my Sunday crosswords puzzles, I spend a couple of hours working on my photo show project.  It is a lot of work and I regret not working on it as I went along the last few months. 

Since we have been in one spot for a month now, Monte has made Sundays his day to empty the tanks.  It takes the guesswork out of trying to remember when he did it last and so far weekly dumping seems to be working out just fine.

I am still hacking away.  I just can’t seem to shake this cold and now Monte is coughing also.  I guess when you live in such a confined space like we do it is inevitable that we are going to infect each other.  We really miss exploring and hiking.  Superstition Mountain, which we can see from our rig, is calling to us but right now I have just about enough energy to walk around Walmart. 

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