Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 12, 2013
From Ogden to
Ken’s Lake Campground, Moab, UT
We got an early start this morning because we had approximately 230 miles to drive before reaching our destination of Ken’s Lake Campground in Moab, UT.

An hour into the drive it started to rain and within minutes we were being pelted by hail.  I was white-knuckling the steering wheel because I couldn’t see the rig just a few feet ahead of me.  Monte put on his emergency flashers and that helped a little.

I had researched Sam’s Club locations prior to our departure this morning and saw there was one along our route in Provo.  We decided to stop at Sam’s to pick up a few items and take a little break.

When we were ready to get back on the road 40 minutes later we were relieved to see the rain had stopped.

But an hour later the rain started again.  This time Monte radioed back to me that his wipers had stopped working.  He pulled over the first opportunity he had on a large shoulder of the road.  He had blown a fuse.  He has all kinds of spare fuses but not that one.

I plugged in fuel on my GPS and saw there was a gas station less than a mile up the road so we slowly made our way there.  I stayed with the rig while Monte drove my car into the closest town, some 10 miles away to O’Reilly’s Auto to pick up the fuse and a spare one.
Finally on our way again we went through another storm.  It didn’t last long but then we were delayed 15 minutes just outside of Moab by road construction.

I had originally wanted to stay at the campground in Arches National Park.  But when I researched the campground I discovered that they are booked well into October.  Upon further research I found a BLM campground just a short distance outside of town that uses a first come, first served system.  I was hoping we would find a site because we planned on staying at least a week and with Monte’s Senior Pass it would only cost $7.50/night.
The only address the website had for the campground was a Ranger Station located on Main Street.  I thought there would be signs directing us to the campground but there weren’t any.  Luckily, as a back-up plan, Monte had printed out driving directions and tired and drained from our long drive through a few storms we limped into the campground.
I was very relieved to see that there was only two other rigs there leaving us our choice of many sites. 
I think we chose well.

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