Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 9, 2014
Clarksville, VA
We were expecting our new Jetpack to arrive today.  When Monte went on line to check expected delivery time using the tracking number he discovered that the package had been “Returned to Sender”.
Apparently the sorter at the Post Office didn’t recognize the address and marked it for return.  We called up to the Ranger Station and were told that the address we were provided with was the correct mailing address.  WHAT?
Someone dropped the ball-so Monte called Millenicom to let them know to expect the package.  Good thing he did because right after we ordered our unit we found out the Jetpack is on backorder.  So when our unit is returned they will wait for us to give them another delivery address.
We are planning on moving on Monday so we will have to wait until sometime next week to attempt having the Jetpack re-sent to us.
In the late afternoon we took a ride into nearby Clarksville to do some laundry. 
I really like these small towns.

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